
tea farmer

How long have you been growing tea and what got your started?
I have been growing tea for 15 years since, I was 20 years old. Green tea farming is my family's business, I watched my father doing it ever since I can remember.

Can you describe a typical day out in the field?
There are a lot of things to do even when it is not harvest season. Soil cultivating, fertilizing, and weeding is all season work.

What is your favorite part of growing tea?
I can feel what I'm doing is part of nature. I feel that I not only love my teas, but am beloved by my teas. Tea processing is another kind of fun, it's very creative.

Conversely, what is the hardest part of your job?
Green tea farming is part of nature. We can't control everything. With tea processing is only one chance to get it right. Even the slightest mistake can be fatal.

Are there any tips you can give on how to best brew your tea?
Brew a cup of tea with love. That would be the best extra flavor.

photo of shincha genmaicha
shincha genmaicha
Toast, candied nuts, and light vegetal spring greens.